Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blue Fox Tail:
Common name: Blue Fox Tail, Blue Justicia • Bengali: Neel Kantha • Hindi: udajati •Kannada: kappubobbuli, kappukuruni • Malayalam: karinkurinni, kuranta • Marathi: dhakta adulsa, Ranaboli. Ekboli • Sanskrit: nila-sahacharah • Tamil: Nilambari • Telugu: chikatiquratappa, nakkatoka 
Botanical name: Ecbolium linneanum    Family: Acanthaceae (Ruellia family)
Synonyms: Justicia ecbolia

Blue Fox Tail is a shrubby plant, with 4-sided flower-spikes at the end of branches. Bracts are oval, entire, mucronate. Leaves are elliptic-oblong, narrowed at both ends, velvety. Flowers are large, greenish blue. Upper lip of the flower is linear, reflexed. Blue Fox Tail is found in Mumbai and Konkan region. 
Medicinal uses: Plant is used in gout and dysuria; decoction of leaves for stricture. Roots are given in jaundice, menorrhagia and rheumatism.

1 comment:

  1. good evening sir i need this tree this is my contect 9177957244
